My little sister is pregnant at the moment and I find myself looking at all the adorable baby stuff you can get. She doesn't know what sex, though she claims it will be a girl, so I am looking for neutral baby stuff for my new niece/nephew.
I love handmade clothes for babies and these booties are just so dainty.
The white ones are so small they fit my thumb, perfect for a new born. The sunny yellow ones are for when the baby is a little bigger.
Now I know that babies like to spend their time kicking booties off but I don't care, they are just too cute for the two seconds that they are in place.
The other fabulous find was this beautiful and delicate knit top. I know its a little on the girly side of the spectrum but with the right boy clothes I think it could work for either sex.
It is perfect for Aussie weather as its light but still warm. And one of the other great things, the price, $1 for the lot.
So cute! I especially love the cardigan. Wow, just a $1, what a find! :-)